The Magic of Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric – A Culinary Trio

Recently, I posted an article on the medicinal healing benefits derived from the Magi’s three gifts brought to the Christ child.  Although the three kings brought gold, frankincense and myrrh, there appears to be a parallel to  garlic, ginger and turmeric.  The biblical gold, it has been determined, could actually refer to the gold colored fresh turmeric that is known for its compound curcumin which has amazing healing abilities in the body.  In addition, since I am doing a webinar on Culinary Nutrigenomics, it is recommended that curcumin be added to a meal along with some form of fat or phospholipid so it gets emulsified and absorbed into the body.

I am not familiar from a culinary perspective with the benefits of frankencense and myrrh, however, I find that by incorporating fresh garlic, ginger and turmeric into my clients’ dishes, it helps to keep the immune system strong and by having a strong immune system, the body is better able to fight off illness.

I frequently combine these three ingredients so they have a positive synergistic healing effect in the body.  Garlic and ginger also are known for their amazing healing abilities. They are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial.  A little bit goes along way!  You do not need to gorge yourself in order to reap the benefits.  The digested particles will find their way to the billions of cells and start to do their magic.

I believe there is a reason that these culinary herbs have been around for millennia and have been incorporated all over the world in numerous tasty dishes.  With the technological advancements coupled with the influx of people from all over the globe, we are starting to see these 3 culinary agents appear at quality food stores, health food stores and farmer’s markets.

Start using them yourself and enjoy the rich, robust flavor that they add to your favorite dishes and get a free boost of health as well!

Note:  For the Low FODMAPS Diet, the garlic needs to be eliminated in recipes.

Ilia Regini is a certified healing through food specialist/health supportive chef/culinary instructor/writer/blogger and speaker.  Healthy Nourished Body offers chef service, cooking lessons, healthy kitchen makeovers and customized menu planning for healing through food dietary protocols.